Cocoa Extract
 Get the benefits of chocolate without the sugar and fat!!
Recently Cocoa extract has become popular as a weight management solution.
Even though cocoa is usually eaten for pleasure in the form of chocolate, there are potentially a lot of health benefits. Other than its mood uplifting effects. Cocoa may positively affect the circulatory system, lower cholesterol levels in adults. Other possible effects under basic research include anticancer, brain stimulator, cough preventor, aphrodisiac qualities, and antidiarrhoeal activities.
How do i take it?
Each bottle contains 60 pills, take 1 or 2 as required. For improved mood and energy.
What are the ingredients?
Each 500mg capsule contains 50mg Theobromine, along with other psychoactive chemicals, found in cocoa, like tryptophan, caffeine, Phenylethylamine, and even cannabiniods.