Spacetrips - Hallucinogen Party Pills
 Space Trips will have you going to the moon and back, with enhanced energy and visuals. Spacetrips features sensory enhancement effecting all 6 sences. Ideal to have at raves, clubs or anywhere there is alot of people and energy.
Are these party pills legal?
Yes. Although these pills emulate the effects of opium, they contain only natural non restricted herbal ingredients. We have formulated our pills in such a way that they can be shipped world wide, and are totally effective.
Why would I take these party pills?
These pills were developed for drug harm minimization, allowing people who would otherwise use illegal and dangerous street drugs, the opportunity to take this legal substitute. Or for anyone who wants to relax themselves naturally.
Do these party pills have side effects?
Generally these pills have no side effects if taken as directed, however if you experience dizziness, headaches, nausea or any other adverse reaction, stop taking immediately and consult with your health care professional. These pills should not be taken by anyone who is allergic to any of the ingredients, pregnant or lactating mothers, or anyone with any health concerns, heart conditions or on medication. These pills are for sale to adults only (over 18).
How do I take it?
Take 1 or 2 capsules 45 minutes prior to the desired effect with a glass of water or fruit juice.
What are the ingredients?
Each capsule contains:
- Geranamine
- Galangal
- Piperine.